my name is asimenye nyondo,I am a zambian based in Namibia.I love jesus and everything about natural hair and thats why i created my blog:boldconfidentnaturalista
Describe your hair.
I have 4b/4c hair.its low porosity and has high density
Why did you go natural?
I have always been natural due to religious upbringing but somewhere along the line it was hard to manage so i began to blow it out a lot.When i installed a weave with leave out,i decided to perm my hair so it can blend and that further damaged my hair.I decided to transition from all that craziness and i have been fully natural since january 2014.
What is your washday routine and how often do you do it?
Washday happens when ever i feel my hair needs a wash.Mostly once a week or after two weeks depending on how busy i am.So i prepoo with coconut oil and tresemme conditioner and that helps me detangle my hair.After that i deep condition with cantu deep treatment masque then seal using the LCO method using water,shea butter and castor oil.
What are your staple products?
Shea butter,castor oil,coconut oil and tresemme conditioner.For deep conditioner i try out anything.Am a junkie for good deep conditioners lol.
What do you love about your hair?
I love the diversity that comes with natural hair.I am like a different person with each hairstyle.
Any hair tips that have helped you during your journey?
I prayed for my hair to grow,i know that sounds cheesy but i did.
Staying consistent with my routine has also helped.My products might change but the routine is always the same.I have also come to learn that if a product works,use it even if it has all the bad ingredients the natural world hates.
What are your hair goals and how are you planning on achieving them?
My long term hair goal is to reach tailbone(lol)but short term is to reach bra strap length.I hope i can do a lot of protective styles and keep my ends tucked away.I have a blog as well and am hoping it will keep me on track with my goals coz girl can get lazy lol.
Where can we find you on social media?
- Thursday, September 01, 2016